Timeline: 1990-1999


Date Event
New administration area of St Joseph’s school, Waroona.

Wayne Bendotti ordained priest in Community Centre at Pemberton

April 17th, 1999 Official opening of South West Health Campus. Co-location of St John of God Health Care and Bunbury Health Service
February 1999 Wayne Bendotti ordained deacon in Bunbury
January 1999 Pierre Angelo Repuyan ordained in Manila in the Phillipines
Bishop M. McKeon’s Golden Jubilee of Priesthood celebrations.

Opening of Josephite Centre, Waroona.

Visit to diocese for pastoral experience of Phillipines seminarians Pierre Angelo, Roberto Bong.

Presbytery on Pinjarra Road, Mandurah demolished to enable three shop premises to match the existing three as investments for the parish.

National Census taken, which will provide accurate statistics for all parishes (August)

January 5th, 1995 Bishop Quinn on sabbatical at Tantar Institute, Jerusalem
1994 Old St Vincent de Paul premises on Pinjarra Road demolished and three modern shop premises built for the Mandurah Parish
May, 19th, 1992 Episcopal Ordination of Most Rev. Justin Bianchini as Bishop of Geraldton
May 13th, 1992 Death of Archbishop LJ Goody, founding Bishop of Bunbury 1954-1968
May 10th, 1992 Dedication and opening of Christ the Living Vine Catholic Church, Australind
1992 Inaugural Year of Mandurah Catholic College
August 1991 Blessing of church additions and dedication of new altar in Mandurah.
Celebration of Jubilee Mass marking 100 years of the Presentation Sisters in WA
July 1991 Announcement from Rome of Most Rev Barry Hickey to be translated from Geraldton as Archbishop of Perth
June 1991 Interim Board of Mandurah Catholic College placed College under the patronage of the Holy Family of Nazareth
Pre-primary Centre opened at St Joseph’s Waroona.

February 10th, 1991 Death of Most Rev. William Joseph Foley, Archbishop of Perth 1983-1991
November 8th, 1990
First meeting of the Inaugural Board of Mandurah Catholic College.

April 1st, 1990 Commissioning of Diocesan Outreach Mission Team by Bishop Quinn at 10am Mass at St Thomas More Church, Margaret River
February 1990 Esperance Catholic Primary School commenced thus resuming Catholic school after Coolgardie nuns withdrew in Depression years